Also lost family, to lose friends, to lose a loved one, still you, do you toward the front with a smile?
『命を懸けてでも、知りたいことがあるんだ』【ストーリー】平凡な学園生活を続けていた、冴島恭。しかし、ある日を境に、運命は大きく動き出す。それぞれが抱える光と闇が交差する小さな村の物語。母親を失い、幸せになれるわけがないと感じながらも前を向いて歩き続ける少年と、大好きな家族に囲まれ、ちょっとわがままで優しい心を持った少女が繰り広げる、感動サウンドノベル。ただいま完全無料で提供中!!※レーティング上、ホラーとの表記がありますが、ホラー要素はないです。"But at the risk of their lives, you may want to know."【story】He had continued mediocre school life, Kyo Saejima.However, on the border one day, fate begins to move big.Story of a small village where the light and the darkness, each facing the intersection.While I feel that there is no reason to lose a mother, be happyAnd boys to continue to walk toward the front,Surrounded by love, family, a little selfishIt unfolds a girl with a kind heart, inspiring sound novel.Right now it is provided absolutely free! !※ on the rating, there is a representation of the horror, but not the horror elements.